Porn Proof Your Child

Monthly Articles Archive

"The Devil Made Me Do It!"New Article
In the early 70s, my parents and I enjoyed watching The Flip Wilson Show (yes, I know that dates me). Dressed in a miniskirt and high heels, the comedian would transform himself...more
"The Leap from Comic Books to Graphic Novels (By guest columnist Roland Mann)"
What are Graphic Novels and should I keep my kids from reading them? Part 2...more
"Bif! Bam! Pow! Comics Aren’t Just for Kids (By guest columnist Roland Mann)"
What are graphic novels and should I keep my kids from reading them?...more
One year ago—in April 2008—I wrote about teens sharing nude photos of themselves via cell phones...more
"Know the Signs"
My husband and I stared at our teenage son, our jaws dropping. Surely we had misunderstood him....more
"COPA: A Quiet Death"
No one brought flowers, and few papers printed its obituary; the Child Online Protection Act (COPA) died a quiet death on January 21st...more
"Signal Bleed and Other Tricks"
When our teenaged son Brandon admitted he was addicted to pornography, my husband and I were shocked to learn he had been watching pornographic cable channels on our living room television. Since we only subscribed to basic cable...more
"Hollywood-Free Holidays (By guest columnist Gaye Clark)"
What do you do when your cousin Earline doesn't share your values, and she whips out the latest R-rated movie...more
"What About R?"
Most Christians would agree that none of us, least of all children, should look at hardcore pornography. But what about R-rated movies? Are they harmful to kids?...more
"The Daddy Factor"
Who is the most powerful man in the United States today? If you are a daddy with young children at home, the answer is—you....more
"Never Too Late"
"I found your topic of protecting children from pornography interesting," wrote a mom recently. "I have an 18-year-old about to begin college. Late, I know."...more
"Through Innocent Eyes"
"He's just so innocent," Janine said of her son Ryan. The way she emphasized the word innocent made it clear she thought him dimwitted to be so naive. Ryan was eight years old....more
"Is Your Hotel Spotless?"
You can't always measure how clean your hotel is by the dust on the countertops as our son Brandon experienced firsthand....more
"Porn Addiction Grabs Girls, Too"
In the past, pornography addiction was considered almost exclusively a male problem. No longer....more
"Porn Pressure"
"Hey! Look at this one." David poked Matt and pointed to another picture of a nude woman on the computer screen. "Whoo-hoo, look at those . . . " Matt stood up. "I'm going home. This isn't something we should be doing." Don't we all wish our children would respond this way when confronted with temptation?...more
"Child Produced Porn"
In a disturbing new trend, teens are producing and distributing pornographic pictures and videos—of themselves....more
"Helmet of Salvation"
As a parent, ensuring your child’s salvation is the highest goal you can hope to achieve. It is also the single, most important step you can take to protect your child from pornography. Unfortunately, you can no more make your child accept Christ than you can guarantee he won’t become addicted to pornography - short of shutting him in a box for life! But you can take actions that will help set the stage for your child’s acceptance of the One who loves him even more than you do...more
"The Porn Talk"
With studies showing that up to 90 percent of children will be exposed to hardcore pornography by the time they turn eighteen, it’s easy to become discouraged about protecting your child from sexually explicit material. Fortunately, your home contains the most effective anti-porn addiction weapon available - a godly parent who cares. By talking about pornography, you can take away the mystery and help your child resist its temptation...more
"To Filter or Not to Filter"
One day the discussion in our ladies’ Sunday school class turned to dangers on the Internet. “I don’t use a filtering program,” announced Leslie, a computer-savvy mom with three teenage males in her household. I turned to her in amazement. “Whyever not?”...more
"What I Wish I’d Known"
My husband and I always assumed he would be the one to have "the talk" with our two sons when the time came. In our older son’s case, however, I had the pleasure of performing that task—not because my husband chickened out but because I happened to be in the right place at the right time...more
"Plug the Holes: More Gaps"
With the advent of the Internet, pornography distribution exploded. Now 74 percent of young people can easily access sexually explicit material from home at the click of a button. But the Internet is still not the only means by which porn can reach your child...more
"Plug the Holes: Internet"
Our homes should be safe havens where children can learn, love, and grow in the Lord. If we unwisely leave openings for pornography to enter, we give Satan an opportunity to gain a foothold on their lives...more

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The content on these pages are the sole property of the author
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