Porn Proof Your Child

Plug the Holes: More Gaps
© 2007 Teresa Cook

Girls watching television
With the advent of the Internet, pornography distribution exploded. Now 74 percent of young people can easily access sexually explicit material from home at the click of a button.1 But the Internet is still not the only means by which porn can reach your child.
If you’ve read my published articles, you know that our son became addicted to pornography through cable channels that were supposed to be blocked but were only partially scrambled. We didn’t subscribe to these channels—or anything other than basic cable TV—and we didn’t know they were transmitting hard-core pornography into our home.
Take the offensive and avoid being blindsided like we were. Below are means you can use to protect your child from pornography exposure from television as well as other sources.

  • If you have cable television, call your provider and insist they put a filter or “trap” on your cable to completely block all channels to which you do not subscribe.
  • Learn to use the parental controls on your cable or satellite television and set them stringently. Check your user’s guide, quick start menu, or visit for instructions.
  • If your television has a V-Chip, go to to learn how to use it. Keep in mind, however, that today’s rating system is not the same as the rating system forty years ago. Programs with objectionable content may still pass through the controls.
  • Do not allow your child to have a TV in his or her bedroom. A 2005 study showed that an astounding 68 percent of American children have televisions in their bedrooms.2 And 44 percent of kids say they watch something different when they’re alone than with their parents.3 When our son was about twelve, he asked for a television for his room for Christmas and can still recall how angry he felt when we refused. He now believes it was one of the wisest decisions we ever made.
  • Teach your children to be discriminating in what they watch. R-rated movies and many of today’s television programs are nothing but soft-core pornography. Most PG-13 and many PG movies are not any better. Watch with your children and don’t be afraid to turn the TV off.
  • **Read reviews of movies at Focus on the Family’s PluggedInOnline at Do the same for TV shows on the Parents Television Council’s Family Guide to Prime Time Television at
  • Select video games carefully. Many video games have sexual content. Pay attention to game ratings since even popular family games may have versions with adult content (we found a mature version of the Sims in which players could watch the “couple” have sex in their bedroom). Pornographic content that can be unlocked by a code children obtain on the Internet may also be hidden in games (read about such a case at
  • **Review video games before buying at or
Reading material
  • Old-fashioned girlie magazines still exist and can still trap your child’s mind. If you suspect your child is looking at Playboy, Penthouse, or others, confront him about it and search his room if necessary.
  • Pornographic material can take unexpected forms. Many men’s health magazines are just disguised porn. I still remember an article in one magazine our son’s friend recommended to him entitled “Sex So Good It Hurts.” It was as bad as it sounds. The pictures were worse. Many teen girl magazines and romance novels can also be pornographic in nature. Even clothing catalogs have been known to contain objectionable pictures and content. Know what your children read.
  • If you believe Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues are unacceptable, be aware that other sports magazines may also contain pictures of scantily-clad females. One paintball magazine I recently saw fit this category.
  • Toss the underwear ads. In today’s anything-goes society, this may sound ridiculous, but these pictures provide another source of temptation that many teen boys, and even men, find hard to resist. In his book, When Good Men Are Tempted, Bill Perkins tells of waiting anxiously for the Sunday paper so he could sit for hours and gape at the ads. They posed the same problem for our son. Would it really be so hard to pitch the ads and ban Victoria’s Secret?
  • Censor your child’s music. Yes, I said the C word. Much music today, especially rap, is sexually graphic. Don’t buy the line “I don’t listen to the words. I just like the beat.” Check PluggedInOnline for music reviews at
  • Watch your credit card and phone bills for charges to 900 numbers. Many times charges for phone sex are the first warning parents get that their child has been watching pornography and taken it to the next level. Call your telephone company and ask them to block 900 number access from your phone (a free service).
  • If your child has a cell phone, call your provider and block Internet access to their phones. Some cell phone companies provide parental controls for Internet access, but the controls are either set to off (default) or on, with no other options available. Research thoroughly before choosing this option. For more information, see
As important as they are, these procedures are only one step in the battle against pornography. Though you can never chink all the cracks through which pornography might reach your children, you can clothe them with God’s protective armor and give them weapons they can use to defend themselves. Future articles will focus on porn proofing your child as well as your home.


Copyright © 2007-2025 Teresa Cook. All rights reserved.
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