Porn Proof Your Child

Recommended web sites for parents
Pure Intimacy - Focus on the Family’s resource for parents who want to teach their children about healthy sexuality
Web Wise Kids - Has game programs (downloadable or on CD ROM) that teach parents about the Internet and enlighten children about the dangers they can encounter
*Watch Katie’s Story
Control Your TV - An educational site sponsored by the cable industry to help parents learn to set cable parental controls and use the V-Chip
Enough Is Enough - Includes statistics and information for both parents and children specific to pornography on the Internet
Protect Kids - Includes much the same information as Enough Is Enough in a more kid friendly format plus links for reporting cyber crimes
Safe Families: Keeping Children Safe Online - Includes safety tips and some Internet education for parents, a Family Safety Pledge sample, and free downloadable Internet filter and parental controls as well as filtering software reviews

Polly Klaas Foundation - Provides free Internet Safety Kits that include Wired With Wisdom, an Internet safety training program for parents
Safe Kids - Contains detailed information about social networking which is another means of distributing pornography; includes video and audio slide shows for parents on how to set up a MySpace account and Vista parental controls and offers free email newsletter on latest technological advances and issues that affect kids' safety
Net Family News - Provides the latest news on technology as it applies to kids; though not limited to pornography, the email newsletter often includes news tidbits that relate to porn.
Subscribe at
Parents Television Council - Provides parents with the tools they need to make informed television viewing decisions and works to promote and restore responsibility and decency to the entertainment industry; offers a Family Guide to Prime Time Television and movie reviews, as well as other parental helps.
National Coalition for the Protection of Children and Families - Promotes a healthy, biblical perspective of sexuality to counteract the effects of culture's sexualized messages on our families; includes a section on Internet pornography and tips for parents.
Cyber Patrol Filter - Lists common acronyms and emoticons used in text messaging, Instant Messaging, etc.
Battle Plan Ministries - Has a "FAMILY" tab with resources for parents who need a battle plan against the onslaught of sexually oriented media in our culture.

Internet filters and review sites
Internet Filter Review - Compares prices and multiple features of ten popular filter software products and gives reviews of each
Filter Review - Gives individual reviews of twenty-two blocking programs and server-side filters with a new side-by-side comparison chart and reviews available
*To bypass giving your contact information on their home page, just click on “click here” under “If you have already registered with Filter Review.”
Be Safe Online - A home filter endorsed by top names in the Christian community
Integrity Online - A filter service provider

Other organizations battling pornography
Search their web sites for information specific to parents and children
American Decency Association
American Family Association
Morality in Media

Recommended reading

Protecting Your Child in an X-Rated World by Frank York and Jan LaRue (Tyndale House Publishers: 2002)

Logged On and Tuned Out: A Non-Techie’s Guide to Parenting a Tech-Savvy Generation by Vicki Courtney (Broadman & Holman Books: 2007)

Family Survival in an X-Rated World by Adrian Rogers and Steve Rogers (Broadman & Holman Publishers: 2005)

Talking to Your Kids About Sex by Mark Laaser, Ph.D. (Waterbrook Press: 1999)

My Space My Kids by Jason Illian (Harvest House Publishers: 2007)


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The content on these pages are the sole property of the author
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